With joy and sorrow, 2015 is coming to a close. We havecollected some of this year’s beautiful China stories for a look back atthe year. We hope that these stories about ordinary people give you warmth,strength and courage in the coming year. We’re always here cheering your everystep forward.
洋溢着快乐,也夹杂着悲伤, 2015 年接近尾声。我们收集了本年度的一些故事来回顾这一年。我们希望这些关于平凡人的事迹能传递你温暖,赐予你力量,带给你勇气。我们一直在这里为你的每一步前进喝彩。
1. A mother’s love for mentally disabledchildren. The official Weibo of CCTVNews in April published a story about a Chinese mother who has a mentallydisabled son. The story moved many people on the Internet. Xu Qin is amother in east China’s Zhejiang province. Shefound it difficult for her mentally disabled son to find a job after hegraduated from a special education school. Therefore,she opened a free care center for children with mental disabilities where theycan learn skills. Xu spends more than 100,000 yuan each year on the center. “I’m a mother with a mentallydisabled son and will never give up,”said Xu.
1. 母爱为智障儿童撑起一片蓝天。 4 月, CCTV 官方微博帐号发布了一个中国母亲有个弱智儿子的故事,这个事迹感动了网上的很多人。徐琴是中国东部浙江省的一个妈妈,她发现她的智障儿子从特殊学校毕业后很难找到工作,于是她成立了一个专门管理智障儿童的免费托管中心。徐琴每年要花 10 万元在这个中心上。“我是智障孩子的妈妈,我永远不会放弃,”徐琴说。
2. Daughter writes three-page travel guide for parents. Che Liang, who is25-year-old, showed her love and care to her parents through a three-pagetravel guide that she had handwritten to help them travel to the United Statesto attend her wedding. The handwritten guide was posted onWeibo by one of Che’s friends. She referred to Che asa “Darling Daughter” in the post.
2. 孝顺女儿为父母手写三页纸的旅游指导手册。 车靓,今年 25 岁,通过手写的 3 页指导手册帮助不懂英语的父母到美国参加她的婚礼,传递了满满的爱和关心。这些手写的手册被车靓的一位朋友上传到了微博,她在博文中称呼车靓为“亲爱的女儿”。